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- 6 Crucial Legal Areas to Navigate You Need to Know as a Web3 Founder
6 Crucial Legal Areas to Navigate You Need to Know as a Web3 Founder
The NFT space is full of inexperienced founders. Some of them don’t care about legal stuff. Later, when confronted by legal requirements they’re overwhelmed. This is free know-how you can’t afford to miss.

There are six legal areas you need to bear in mind when being a project founder:
securities law
data protection law
consumer law
tax law
In fact, it's better to consider them by default than after a certain time period since this space can be difficult to navigate.
First, consider securities law.
Whether the jurisdiction you plan to run your business has a special legal regime for the asset you want to launch.
You want to make sure that the asset you launch is not considered a security, so you need to always consult with a local lawyer.
Do you need a license?
Do you need to register?
What additional requirements do you need to meet in order to offer the asset?
Next, data protection law.
You will process a lot of personal data, be it information about your clients, holders, users, etc.
Each jurisdiction has different laws, but the EU’s GDPR being the most strict can be your sample to be more likely compliant in other jurisdictions.
You will need to i.a.:
• implement data protection policy,
• data breach policy,
• publish data privacy notices on your website, and
• implement technical and organizational measures to protect the data.
If you want to launch an NFT project, consider what you want to do with copyrights.
Do you want to grant a license to holders?
What should be the scope of the license? Remember that blockchain transactions do not transfer copyright ownership.
Next is the AML/KYC law.
You will need to consider what requirements you need to meet.
• Are you required to KYC?
• What information should you collect?
• How should the info be stored?
Note that this area also covers data protection. You should not collect more information than required by law!
Next is consumer law.
Are NFT holders protected by local consumer law?
What requirements do you need to fulfill to protect your business?
E.g. In the EU consumers may waive their right to withdraw from the contract during the first 14 days after the purchase of the product via online means
The last thing is tax law
• Is the asset you launch taxed?
• What rate, and when should you pay taxes?
• This of course differs from jurisdiction and always should be consulted with a local lawyer.
In summary, if you're planning to launch an NFT project, consider the legal implications.
Be proactive and consult with a lawyer to avoid legal issues down the road.
Let’s Connect
I am Jack.
I am an ex-lawyer and the founder of a web3 project.
I spent thousands of hours analyzing web3 projects, in particular in the NFT space and building my own venture.
It’s my first article published here.
With over 80 articles already written on web3, blockchain, NFTs, and more, I'm excited to share my expertise with you every week.
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